journal - A new way of storytelling Spinout. 12-04-1998. p.Unknown |
Madeleine Swain
Discusses 1995 screenings at the George cinema in St Kilda paying particular attention to the From Sand to Celluloid collection of short films.
Provides inf...[full record]
journal - A Vital Voice: Indigenous Drama Metro. pp.24-27 |
Tim Hunter
Discusses the selection process for the From Sand To Celluloid collection of short indigenous films and the film bodies which have supported the drama initia...[full record]
newspaper - Aboriginal filmmakers turn lens upon themselves. The Sydney Morning Herald. 16-03-1996. p.13 |
Ben Holgate
This article provides information on the From Sand To Celluloid collection of short Indigenous films including; funding details; the political motivation beh...[full record]
newspaper - Aboriginal films open doors for all. Courier-Mail. 12-07-1996. p.18 |
Sandra McLean
Provides a brief synopsis of the From Sand to Celluloid collection accompanied by a review of individual film titles.
Includes comments from Wal Saunders, ...[full record]
newspaper - Cannes applauds SBS Innovators The Australian. 20-05-1996. p.14 |
Sue Williams
This article discusses the impact SBS Independent has had on the Australian film industry and the success of projects it has funded since its inception in 19...[full record]
journal - Diverse Faces of Aboriginality Realtime 25. p.20 |
Melanie Guiney
Contains comments by Wesley Enoch concerning his transition from theatre to film.
Enoch discusses his motivations behind his latest film, Grace, and the way...[full record]
newspaper - Film studies culture clash The Cairns Post. 20-05-1996. p.11 |
Author Unknown
Interview with Rima Tamou on his film Round Up. Includes comments concerning the filkmmaker's background - Aboriginal and Maori heritage, education and emplo...[full record]
newspaper - In need of a hand The Daily Telegraph. p.38 |
Julietta Jameson,
Stewart Hawkins,
Lucy Clark
Discusses the Australian Film Institute's commitment to Indigenous filmmaking.
Includes funding details of From Sand To Celluoid and information concerning ...[full record]
newspaper - Indigenous film-makers will show their stuff Koori Mail. 13-03-1996. p.26 |
Author Unknown
Provides a brief synopsis of individual films within the From Sand To Celluloid collection.
Includes a comment upon the diversity of themes addressed by the...[full record]
newspaper - Indigenous works feature solid works The Age. 19-04-1996. p.8 |
Jim Schembri
Review of the From Sand To Celluloid collection which includes a brief synopsis of individual films.
[full record]
newspaper - More films feature in 'Shifting Sands' The Koori Mail. 08-04-1998. p.Unknown |
Author Unknown
Includes comments from the Australian Film Institute concerning the motivation behind the Shifting Sands collection, film titles and directors and screening ...[full record]
newspaper - Native talent bubbles over The Daily Telegraph. 27-03-1998. p.43 |
Vicky Roach
The success of the From Sand To Celluloid collection - festival screenings, awards and international reception - has facilitated the commissioning of a secon...[full record]
newspaper - On screen dreaming The Sydney Morning Herald. 12-04-1996. p.M.4 |
Ruth Hessey
Review of The From Sand To Celluloid collection with particular emphasis on Two Bob Mermaid, Fly Peewee, Fly and Black Man Down.
Discusses visual styles, co...[full record]
newspaper - Riley reels out touching short story The Daily Telegraph. 22-03-1996. p.39 |
Caroline Chisholm
Discusses Sally Riley's objectives before writing and directing Fly Peewee, Fly.
Includes comments from Riley about her film - inspiration for the narrative...[full record]
newspaper - Sen and the art of film The Age. 14-05-1998. p.21 |
Michael Bodey
Profile of Australian Film, Television and Radio School graduate, Iven Sen which examines how his background has influenced his most recent film, Tears, whic...[full record]
journal - Shifting Sands Filmink 7 V2. p.21 |
Jimmy Reardon
A review of the Shifting Sands collection of short Indigenous films in which only one film, Passing Through, by Mark Olive, escapes criticism. Provides a bri...[full record]
newspaper - Shifting Sands Sunday Age. 03-05-1998. p.6 |
Tom Ryan
Review of the Shifting Sands collection of short Indigenous films.
Includes comments from Wal Saunders, manager of the Indigenous Branch of the Australian F...[full record]
newspaper - Six of the best with shifting emotions Sunday Times. 19-04-1998. p.57 |
Jeremy Wilshire
Provides brief funding information of the Shifting Sands collection.
Includes short synopsis of individual titles and a brief comment on the quality of the ...[full record]
newspaper - Stories in the Sand Canberra Times, Canberra Times. 06-07-1998. p.7 |
Ron Cerabona
Discusses the selection process for the Shifting Sands collection of short Indigenous films and includes comments from Bridgit ikin, Head of SBS Independent,...[full record]
newspaper - Storm of tears still rages Sunday Herald Sun. 07-04-1996. p.20 |
Veronica Matheson
Interview with Richard Frankland in which he discusses how his experience as a Field Officer for the Royal Commission into Deaths in Custody prompted him to ...[full record]
newspaper - Subtle craft of Indigenous storytelling The Age. 14-05-1998. p.21 |
Michael Bodey
Reviews the Shifting Sands collection of shorts from a theoretical angle. Bodey discusses meanings constructed by the juxtaposition of certain images, narrat...[full record]
newspaper - Tales of compassion and courage. The Bulletin. 16-07-1996. p.77 |
Tom Gilling
Discusses the tendency for mainstream filmmakers to reinforce racial stereotypes when representing Aboriginal people.
Highlights the need for more Aborigina...[full record]
newspaper - Television The Age. 13-07-1996. p.16 |
Dennis Pryor
Includes a review of the From Sand To Celloud Collection and provides brief synopses of the individual titles.
Offers a perspective on the political, emoti...[full record]
journal - The Shifting Sands Continues AFC News. p.Unknown |
Author Unknown
Discusses the motivation behind the production of the Shifting Sands compilation.
Includes comments from Wal Saunders, director of the Indigenous Branch of...[full record]
newspaper - True focus on Aboriginal film The Australian. 05-07-1996. pp.18-19 |
Sue Williams
Criticises the tendancy of television stations to schedule Indigenous programs during the National Aboriginal and Islanders Day of Commitee (NAIDOC)Week that...[full record]
newspaper - Worlds apart: resoundingly black and hopelessly blue Emerald Hill Times. 17-04-1996. p.Unknown |
Author Unknown
A review of the From Sand To Celluloid collection which focuses on No Way To Forget, Two Bob Mermaid and Payback.
Discusses narrative structures, themes, st...[full record]