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Rima Tamou |
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journal - A Vital Voice: Indigenous Drama Metro. pp.24-27 |
Tim Hunter
Discusses the selection process for the From Sand To Celluloid collection of short indigenous films and the film bodies which have supported the drama initia...[full record]
newspaper - Aboriginal filmmakers turn lens upon themselves. The Sydney Morning Herald. 16-03-1996. p.13 |
Ben Holgate
This article provides information on the From Sand To Celluloid collection of short Indigenous films including; funding details; the political motivation beh...[full record]
newspaper - Aboriginal films open doors for all. Courier-Mail. 12-07-1996. p.18 |
Sandra McLean
Provides a brief synopsis of the From Sand to Celluloid collection accompanied by a review of individual film titles.
Includes comments from Wal Saunders, ...[full record]
newspaper - Film studies culture clash The Cairns Post. 20-05-1996. p.11 |
Author Unknown
Interview with Rima Tamou on his film Round Up. Includes comments concerning the filkmmaker's background - Aboriginal and Maori heritage, education and emplo...[full record]
journal - From Sand to Celluloid: New Stories From Indigenous Filmmakers 147 |
Author Unknown
Provides a brief synopsis of individual titles within the From Sand To Celluloid collection of shorts.
Includes comments from Wal Saunders, AFC Indigenous ...[full record]
newspaper - In need of a hand The Daily Telegraph. p.38 |
Julietta Jameson,
Stewart Hawkins,
Lucy Clark
Discusses the Australian Film Institute's commitment to Indigenous filmmaking.
Includes funding details of From Sand To Celluoid and information concerning ...[full record]
newspaper - Passion, drive and subtle moods The Sydney Morning Herald. 21-03-1996. p.18 |
Peter Galvin
Review of the From Sand To Celluloid collection of short Indigenous films in particular Warwick Thorntonâs Pay Back and Darlene Johnsonâs Two Bob Mermai...[full record]
newspaper - Tales of compassion and courage. The Bulletin. 16-07-1996. p.77 |
Tom Gilling
Discusses the tendency for mainstream filmmakers to reinforce racial stereotypes when representing Aboriginal people.
Highlights the need for more Aborigina...[full record]
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