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AFI research collection
Reference Type Sunday Age newspaper
Title Shifting Sands
Author(s)Tom Ryan
Publication Date 03-05-1998
Page Number 6
Comments Ryan makes interesting connections between the Wik debate and the themes addressed by the shorts in the Shifting Sands collection - most of which centre around the search for a sense of belonging.

Ryan also offers an interesting interpretation of the lack of dialogue in some of the films in that the characters have been robbed of their voice (another implicit reference to the so-called "Wik debate")or are still searching for one.

While Ryan reviews the collection of shorts on the basis of a shared theme, he does not fail to acknowledge the inherent differences between each individual film.
Synopsis Review of the Shifting Sands collection of short Indigenous films.

Includes comments from Wal Saunders, manager of the Indigenous Branch of the Australian Film Commission, concerning the need for Indigenous Australians to subvert the repressive, univocal representations of Aboriginality in the Australian media.

Discusses the importance of the release of the Shifting Sands collection during a time when politicians and the media continue to fail to address the humanist issues at stake in the "Wik debate".

Explores constructions of meaning via the notion of the 'journey' implicit in most of the films as well as the employment of minimilist dialogue in three of the films.

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