Reference Type |
Title |
A Vital Voice: Indigenous Drama |
Author(s) | Tim Hunter |
Page Number |
24-27 |
Comments |
This is a very comprehensive article which not only reviews the From Sand To Celluloid shorts but also provides information concerning the politics of indigenous representation, the history of Aboriginal involvement in the Australian film industry and the motivation behind the From Sand To Celluloid drama initiative.
While Hunter believes that the collection of films present a unified voice based on the themes implicit in the films, he also acknowledges their inherent differences in style, content and atmosphere.
Synopsis |
Discusses the selection process for the From Sand To Celluloid collection of short indigenous films and the film bodies which have supported the drama initiative.
Includes comments from Wal Saunders, manager of the Indigenous Branch of the Australian Film Commission, concerning the way in which the mass-media perpetuates the sterotypes and myths of and surrounding Aboriginal people.
Provides a brief synopsis of individual film titles. Includes a photograph of David Ngoombujarra in a scene from No Way To Forget.
Provides details of National screening dates and venues. |
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