journal - a day in the life: the work of a film director Metro. pp.30-31 |
alan tsilimidos
a director's running commentary of a day in the life of himself - vocationally speaking. it explores the hustle and bustle of self-inflicted busy business t...[full record]
journal - A Song of Air: Great Expectations Metro. pp.56-58 |
Lawrence Johnston
a discussion of the emotional power of the Song of Air[full record]
journal - A Vital Voice: Indigenous Drama Metro. pp.24-27 |
Tim Hunter
Discusses the selection process for the From Sand To Celluloid collection of short indigenous films and the film bodies which have supported the drama initia...[full record]
journal - a Way of Being Engaged With The World Metro. 01-01-1993. pp.47-55 |
Peter Hughes
The article looks at John Hughes's films from a critical persepective and contains an indepth interview with him explainf the motivations behind some of his ...[full record]
journal - Contexts in which to place They're a Weird Mob and into which you might never have placed it before Metro. . p.174 |
Quentin Turnour
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journal - Dags, Drags and the Suburban Surreal Metro. pp.23-26 |
Karl Quinn
Talks about the appearance of suburbia within Australian films and the continual move to abjection from domestication. Also mentions the sylistic void that t...[full record]
journal - Dirty Deeds Metro V134. 01-01-2002. pp.156-63 |
Mandy Salomon
Interview with production designer Chris Kennedy and lead actor Bryan Brown, who each talk about the making of DIRTY DEEDS. A review of the film is also incl...[full record]
journal - Finding an Audience: The Challenge for Australian Cinema. Metro. p.240 |
Tina Kaufman
[full record]
journal - From Video to Film and Back Again Metro V107. . pp.48-53 |
Tom Zubrycki
Zubrycki talks about his early video-making with local resident action groups in the 1970s, his influences, change of documentary style, films he's made and ...[full record]
journal - Genre, Style and Address in High Tide Metro. pp.17-20 |
Stephen Crofts
[full record]
journal - Great Queer Wave Breaks Metro. pp.35-38 |
Elizabeth Stoney
This is an interview with the 1994 Melbourne Queer Film and VIdoe Festival vice president, Chris Berry, about the changing nature of queer film. It focuses o...[full record]
journal - Homeward bound Metro 157. 00-06-2008 |
Matthew Clayfield
Article on the films blah and blahdiblah[full record]
journal - Human Touch: an interview with Paul Cox Metro V134. 01-10-2002. pp.72-75 |
Joshua McAtamney
Director Paul Cox talks mainly about the making of MOLOKAI: THE STORY OF FATHER DAMIEN and his career.[full record]
journal - Mad Dog Morgan Metro 164. 00-03-2010. pp.80-88 |
Constantine Verevis
Article on Mad Dog Morgan that looks at various aspects of the film including the film's production, the aspects of the film narrative and general themes, an...[full record]
journal - Memories and Dreams Metro 99. p.236 |
Lisa Horler
[full record]
journal - Missing - Screen Culture Metro V121. . pp.13-16 |
Tina Kaufman
Talks about the lamentable state of the Australian film industry, the level of local production and the importance of developing a 'screen culture savvy' aud...[full record]
journal - Mothers and lovers, oedipal transgressions in recent Australian cinema Metro 91. . pp.14-22 |
Barbara Creed
As the title suggests article deals with Scott and his mother, and the effect Scott's triumph over his mother has on his father.[full record]
journal - Muddying the Mythological waters: Aboriginality in Australian Film Metro. pp.18-21 |
Karen Jennings
[full record]
journal - My First Feature in the Cannes Metro 117. pp.pp. 53-58 |
This is an edited transcript of one of the AFI Conversations on Film that involved the responses of director Samantha Lang, actress Pamela Rabe and Director ...[full record]
journal - The Big Combo Metro. pp.43-48 |
Peter Doyle
An article which discusses the crime and spy genres in film and television. Well worth a read!!!![full record]
journal - The Commonwealth Film Unit: Predecessors and Precursors Metro 104. . pp.52-57 |
Deane Williams
Deane Williams profiles three film-makers - Maslyn Williams, Colin Dean and John Heyer and contextualises their documentary work within the film culture of t...[full record]
journal - The essential cinematic Ned Metro 52. pp.15-17 |
Ina Bertrand
A feature acticle discussing the various films that were made on the basis of the Kelly legend.[full record]
journal - The Extraodinary in the Ordinary Metro. pp.31-34 |
Louise Wignall
This article deals with the deeper meanings of the characters within Muriels and asks Hogan about the motivations behind their actions within the film.
The ...[full record]
journal - The films of Jane Campion Metro 95. p.231 |
John Slavin
[full record]
journal - The Hard Word Metro V134. 01-01-2002. pp.48-54 |
Matthew Dillon
Review of The HARD WORD, followed by an interview with Scott Roberts and Al Clark.[full record]
journal - The quirky working class: Prime Mover Metro 163. 00-00-2009. pp.20-25 |
Rjurik Davidson
Review of Prime Mover[full record]
journal - The Waterside Workers' Federation Film Unit - The Forgotten Frontier of the Fifties Metro. . pp.28-39 |
Martha Ansara,
Lisa Milner
Tells the story of various film units in existence in the 1950's which made documentaries. mainly the Waterside Workers Federation Film Unit. Looks at the hi...[full record]
journal - Tom Zubrycki on filmmaking, history and other obsessions Metro. . pp.96-100 |
Patrick Armstrong
Tom Zubrycki reflects on his twenty-five years making documentary films. He discusses thematic concerns, changes to his filmmaking style, his passion for so...[full record]
journal - Two laws Metro, Filmviews, Cinema Papers, The Virgin Press. pp.p.328-329, |
Author Unknown,
Marcus Breen,
John Avery
Discussion of the film made by the Borroloola people with the assistance of Alessandro Cavadini and Carolyn Strachan on the struggle for recognition of Abori...[full record]
journal - Versions of History Metro. . pp.86-91 |
Quentin Turnour
This is a book review of the 1998 revised edition of Australian Film 1900-1977 by Andrew Pike & Ross Cooper. While acknowledging the groundbreaking work of ...[full record]
journal - What's in a helmet? Metro. pp.9-13 |
Gary Sturgess
Interview with Writer-director Ian Jones, historian John McQuilty,and television producer Don Bennetts including small reference to Bennetts's disapproval of...[full record]
journal - Whatever Happened to National Identity? Metro M100. . pp.32-35 |
Graeme Turner
Turner discusses the construction of Ausralianess in film's. He plots the notion of national identity as a chronology from the 70's film revival until the 9...[full record]