Title |
Round Up |
Released |
1996 |
Production Year |
1996 |
Director |
Rima Tamou
Comments |
Round Up is part of the 'From Sand to Celluloid' collection of short Indigenous films.
The collection is produced in association with the Indigenous Branch of the Australian Film Commission and SBS Independent.
40% of the Crew and 35% of the Cast of Round Up were Indigenous.
Round Up was awarded the Dendy Ethnic Affairs Commission Award at the Sydney Film Festival. Selected in the Film Critics Circle Award of Australia. Selected for screening on the ABC in The Australian Collection, 1997; selected Cinema Des Antipodes in France, 1996; and nominated for an Australian Teachers of Media (ATOM) Award, 1997. |
Synopsis |
Opening with a fight between an Aboriginal boy and his white co-worker, Round Up examines the cultural differences which exist between two boys and how these differences function to unite them after they find themslves stranded in a big city miles away from home. |
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References ( click to view )
newspaper - Aboriginal filmmakers turn lens upon themselves. The Sydney Morning Herald. 16-03-1996. p.13 |
Ben Holgate
This article provides information on the From Sand To Celluloid collection of short Indigenous films including; funding details; the political motivation beh...[full record]
newspaper - Aboriginal films open doors for all. Courier-Mail. 12-07-1996. p.18 |
Sandra McLean
Provides a brief synopsis of the From Sand to Celluloid collection accompanied by a review of individual film titles.
Includes comments from Wal Saunders, ...[full record]
newspaper - Film studies culture clash The Cairns Post. 20-05-1996. p.11 |
Author Unknown
Interview with Rima Tamou on his film Round Up. Includes comments concerning the filkmmaker's background - Aboriginal and Maori heritage, education and emplo...[full record]
journal - From Sand to Celluloid: New Stories From Indigenous Filmmakers 147 |
Author Unknown
Provides a brief synopsis of individual titles within the From Sand To Celluloid collection of shorts.
Includes comments from Wal Saunders, AFC Indigenous ...[full record]
newspaper - Indigenous film-makers will show their stuff Koori Mail. 13-03-1996. p.26 |
Author Unknown
Provides a brief synopsis of individual films within the From Sand To Celluloid collection.
Includes a comment upon the diversity of themes addressed by the...[full record]
newspaper - On screen dreaming The Sydney Morning Herald. 12-04-1996. p.M.4 |
Ruth Hessey
Review of The From Sand To Celluloid collection with particular emphasis on Two Bob Mermaid, Fly Peewee, Fly and Black Man Down.
Discusses visual styles, co...[full record]
newspaper - Passion, drive and subtle moods The Sydney Morning Herald. 21-03-1996. p.18 |
Peter Galvin
Review of the From Sand To Celluloid collection of short Indigenous films in particular Warwick Thorntonâs Pay Back and Darlene Johnsonâs Two Bob Mermai...[full record]
newspaper - Tales of compassion and courage. The Bulletin. 16-07-1996. p.77 |
Tom Gilling
Discusses the tendency for mainstream filmmakers to reinforce racial stereotypes when representing Aboriginal people.
Highlights the need for more Aborigina...[full record]
newspaper - Television The Age. 13-07-1996. p.16 |
Dennis Pryor
Includes a review of the From Sand To Celloud Collection and provides brief synopses of the individual titles.
Offers a perspective on the political, emoti...[full record]
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