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AFI research collection
Reference Type Metro journal
Title Whatever Happened to National Identity?
Author(s)Graeme Turner
Issue M100
State VIC
Country Australia
Publication Date
Citation Date
Page Number 32-35
Comments sourced from an RMIT 1997 cinema dossier
Synopsis Turner discusses the construction of Ausralianess in film's. He plots the notion of national identity as a chronology from the 70's film revival until the 90's.


Turner analyses a time in the Australian film industry when the preservation of an Australian identity was a main priority in the production of the film. The government felt during the late 1970's that the concept of what it meant to be an Australian was clear and simple, this then led to the production of film and television shows that captured a stereotypical representation. Films during the 1970's and 80's generally did not display a fair view of Australia's multi-culturalism and diverse ethnicities. The "good hearted larrikin" is what the government wanted to sell.

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