chapter - A century of Australian cinema : Developing pictures: Australian cinema (1970-1995) . 00-00-1995. pp.172-197 |
Peter Kemp
This chapter is one in a series documenting the history of cinema in Australia. The book is beautifully presented and contains a large array of still photogr...[full record]
journal - A reputation that is well deserved The Bulletin. 18-08-1976 |
Sandra Hall
The article first disucusses the success of the film in reference to the Cannes Film Festival. It also makes reference to Fred Schepisi's company The Film H...[full record]
chapter - American Dreams, Australian Movies : Bob Ellis . 00-00-1986. pp.145-158 |
Peter Hamilton,
Sue Mathews
This is an interview with Bob Ellis dissssing his views on the position of Australian writers, directors and producers in Hollywood feature film production a...[full record]
newspaper - Australia's film industry a top world performer The Age. 11-07-1994 |
Chief Executive
Talks about the $67 million returns from the Australian film industry. And that an Australian film can only return about $500,000 to its investors despite h...[full record]
newspaper - Devil's Playground - Growing up in Australia Santa Barbra News Press. 24-08-1982 |
Joan Crowder
The article makes reference to other Austrlian films that deal with growing up in Australia and the difficulties with it.
The then discusses the setting of ...[full record]
newspaper - Devil's Playground is far from anti-religious The National Times. p.36 |
The article begins by stating that The Devil's Playground is not an attack on the Catholic Church.
It discusses Schepisi's own personal experience with the ...[full record]
newspaper - John Duigan - flirting with success Sunday Age. 17-03-1991 |
Keith Connolly
The artile discusses John Duigan's latest award winning film - Flirting.
It discusses the main character played by Noah Taylor and his life in an Australi...[full record]
newspaper - Living in the past maybe - but doing it well. The Sydney Morning Herald. 20-08-1977 |
Geraldine Pascall
Begins by discussing three Australian movies which are period pieces set in schools about young people growing up.
It goes on to breifly discuss the Austral...[full record]
newspaper - Puberty struggle at seminary The Age. 16-08-1976 |
Colin Bennett
A review of the film The Devil's Playground, the article disucsses the major theme of the film - the upbringing of pubesent boys in a Roman Catholic Seminary...[full record]
newspaper - REVIEW: Teen Business/Exhuming Nazi skeletons The Age. 31-03-1991. p.unknown |
Tom Ryan
Review and synopsis of 'Flirting', in addition to review and synopsis of 'The Nasty Girl' (written and directed by Michael Verhoeven).
[full record]
newspaper - The Devil's Playground - Oft-told Aussie story fails to interest. Post Intelligencer. 29-01-1982 |
William Arnold
Opens by discussing the idea that new Australian cinema is obsessed with the idea of restricted Victorian past and young characters rebelling.
Goes on to me...[full record]
chapter - The New Australian Cinema : Personal relationships and sexuality . 00-00-1980. pp.138-153 |
Meaghan Morris
This chapter deals with representations of gender, inter-personal relationships and sexuality in Australian film. It is part of a collection of articles whic...[full record]