Reference Type |
The Age
Title |
REVIEW: Teen Business/Exhuming Nazi skeletons |
Author(s) | Tom Ryan |
Publication Date |
31-03-1991 |
Page Number |
unknown |
Comments |
The author percieves 'Flrting' to be an inadequate sequel to what he considers "one of the best Australian films of the 1980's"; 'The Year My Voice Broke'. 'The Year My Voice Broke' appears to avoid common constructions (e.g character, setting, narrative) associated with the "period" or "nostalgic" film. According to Ryan, 'Flirting', on the other hand, is too heavily marked with parody which prohibits the film from moving beyond the obvious in its characterisations. This may be due to Duigan's direction of the cast, or it may be due to the script which had to ensure its independance from its predecessor in order to extend the range of the lead character, Danny (Noah Taylor) and on the other hand, to ensure it did not fall privy to the sequal syndrome (where a film becomes a pale re-creation of success specific to a particular time and place). Ryan obviously feels that there is a comparison to be made and awards the film one star, which qualifies it as a "maybe".
Synopsis |
Review and synopsis of 'Flirting', in addition to review and synopsis of 'The Nasty Girl' (written and directed by Michael Verhoeven).
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