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Dean Brandum |
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web - Technicolour Yawn : Trak / Australia Twin/MidCity Cinema/ Chinatown Cinema . |
This was the only website I could find that had useful and articulate information pertaining to Trak cinema and was very handy in terms of providing both an ...[full record]
web - Film Bunnies . |
An offbeat blog by academic Dean Brandum (Dean researches film like the clappers for both his PhD, and for non-thesisy, recreational purposes),Craig Martin (...[full record]
web - Technicolour Yawn : The Century Cinema . |
The Technicolor Yawn is a comprehensive database with a direct focus towards films of the 1970s, and off-beat or 'R-rated' films. The database discusses venu...[full record]
web - Technicolouryawn: Melbourne cinemas of the R-Rated years 1970-84 : Galaxy '73-74 . 22-03-2012 |
Brandum's site is a useful collection of movie posters/newspaper ads and correlating screening schedules for the adult films shown at Brunswick's Galaxy Cine...[full record]
web - THE BRYSON . |
Bryson cinema as one of the members of the Capacity theatres chain is used to be the finest cinema. But the location and the quality of products affect the a...[full record]
web - The Bryson 72-73 . |
In December 8 of 1972, Bryson started its business by showing Where Does It Hurt?. Although it is not a good film, Bryson made an effort by running it for 9 ...[full record]
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