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Lyne Helms |
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journal - 'Oz' Production Report Cinema Papers. pp.51 - 57, 5 |
Scott Murray
Of the inspiration behind the 'wizard', Chris Lofven states "...David Bowie was big in London at the time and I thought it would be interesting to have a Bo...[full record]
journal - Intelligencer 'Bomb' to Get Second Chance. Bulletin. p.84 |
Author Unknown
This article recounts the decision to give 'Oz' a second chance at Australian distribution after its successful run in the United States. For re-distributio...[full record]
newspaper - Oz Film Carries Reality Courier Mail. 31-07-1976. p.N/A |
Author Unknown
The article provides a brief run-down of the film, but for the most part has these three women - Rea Francis, Lyne Helms and Joy Dunstan - appropriating wh...[full record]
newspaper - Oz Magic Hits the States The Australian. 21-06-1978. p.N/A |
Author Unknown
The unnamed journalist states "..after brief opening runs in capital cities here last year, the modern day version of the legendary 'The Wizard of Oz' fable...[full record]
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