Reference Type |
Title |
Cinema Record 23 |
Author(s) | Ken Tulloch |
Issue |
No. 23 |
State |
Country |
Australia |
Publication Date |
00-03-1999 |
Citation Date |
Page Number |
10-11 |
Comments |
The article âMURRUMBEENA PUBLIC HALLâ is from Ken Tulloch. He worked at the hall for several years. He talks about his memories on the hall which got later the Argosy Theatre.
There were several dance events and musicals in the beginning of the hall. After the âTalkiesâ came in town, they showed the first movie named âViva Villaâ. Tulloch also mentions the screening times of the movies at this time: Friday, Saturday and Monday. The shown movies came from different film distributors.
Furthermore, Tulloch explains the used technique in the theatre, how the stage looked like and how he helped the owner with his work.
Not until two years after the first film the theatre got a new name: âThe Argosyâ (1965 it was renamed again in âThe Capriâ).
This short article from Ken Tulloch is clear written, so that you can get a good visualisation about the look of the theatre, the screening times and of the technique used. In addition, the article makes the differences clear between a cinema at these days and a cinema in the year 1940.
Combined with the article from the Cinema Record No. 40 from Ken Newell you get great information about almost the complete history, the oberation and the work of the theatre.
(Melissa Lorz)
tags: Argosy Capri
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