book - About Documentary: Anthropology on Film . 00-00-1974 |
Robert Edmonds
Covers oppositions between truth/veracity, objectivity/aesthetics and the role films can play in social issues. Attempts to define documentary and address is...[full record]
book - Claiming the Real . 00-00-1995 |
Brian Winston
A critique of the principkes underpinning the dominant tradition of documentary filmaking, ie. the Grierson tradition. Takes a look at cinema verite, direct ...[full record]
book - Film on the Left . 00-00-1981 |
Willliam Alexander
Historical overview of American left documentary filmaking (1931 - 1942), from the Workers' film and Photo League to Frontier Films.[full record]
book - They Must be Represented . 00-00-1994 |
Paula Rabinowitz
Rabinowitz traces the origins of documentary from photography until the invention of vidoe verite and the Rodney Kink beating. In the process she deals with ...[full record]