journal - All in a day's work Cinema Papers. pp.22-24, 70 |
Margaret Smith
This article is a comprehensive look at the career and filmography of Mandy Walker. It contains an interview useful for its insights into production process...[full record]
web - At the Movies: South Solitary . |
David Stratton
In 1927, following an unhappy liaison with a married man, Meredith Appleton, MIRANDA OTTO, accompanies her uncle, George Wadsworth, BARRY OTTO, who has been ...[full record]
as Meredith Appleton
web - Ausfilm: Australian Film Database : Director Search Results For: |
Richard Rankin
This page consist of a list of all the film/TV productions Bob Ellis has directed. Each of the production is an active link to their respective information a...[full record]
newspaper - Budget Cuts a winner for Aussie film The Sydney Morning Herald. 20-07-2010 |
Slashing the budget of Australian lighthouse epic South Solitary was the best thing that could have ever happened to the film, writer and director Shirley Ba...[full record]
journal - Coming of Age: Notes Towards a Re-Appraisal Cinema Papers. 01-08-1993. pp.16-19 |
Raffaele Caputo
Article about the film "The Heartbreak Kid" shows how it contains the typical ingredients for a coming-of-age film: but with expectations reversed (teacher b...[full record]
newspaper - Film makers who want to reveal our strangeness The Republican. 01-08-1997. p.18 |
Chris Boyd
A review of 'The Well' that questions Australian films' tendency to parody our 'strangeness'. 'The Well' is rated slightly higher in this regard than 'The C...[full record]
newspaper - Future's bright for Ellis with a film of his past The Entertainer. 14-08-1994. p.1 |
David Bongiorno
The article is about the film 'The Nostradamus Kid' directed by Bob Ellis. It contains the story plot and some comment on the successes of the film in the Au...[full record]
web - Greg Roy King's Film Review : The Well . 00-00-1997 |
Greg King
A considered review that recognises the talent of Lang and her crew in bringing 'this moody and atmospheric psychological drama' to the screen.[full record]
web - Icon Film Distributions Production Notes : Icon Film Distributions South Solitary . 01-12-2010 |
In 2009 Icon released the following films in Australia:
THE BOX (4th Quarter 2009)
CHERI (2009)
CITY OF EMBER (11 De...[full record]
Lord of the Rings
web - IMDB Internet Movie Database : Noah Taylor . 00-00-1990 |
Andre Bernhardt,
Giancarlo Cairella,
Murray Chapman
This site consist of the actor, 'Noah Taylor's filmography. To add on, each of the films listed is an active link to the details of the particular film in ot...[full record]
newspaper - Jolley tale of an odd pair The Sydney Morning Herald. 31-07-1997. p.12 |
Sandra Hall
A review which considers the Jolley novel and its transferrance into a Lang film. The relationship between the characters is examined as is the landscape an...[full record]
journal - Keep the budgets low, create our own stars Filmnews (Australia) V11. pp.5.-14. |
Tina Kaufman
Briefly discusses recommendations for the improvement of the Australian film industry made by the Moving Pictures Enquiry after its recent hearing as part of...[full record]
newspaper - Leaps in the light The Bulletin. 18-06-1996. p.90 |
Sandra Hall
An article looking at number of 1996 Australian films enjoying success at local and international film festivals. The author revels in the titles' diversity...[full record]
newspaper - Leigh Paatsch Film Review : South Solitary (M)Director : Shirley Barrett (Love Serenade)Starring : Miranda Otto, Martin Csokas, Barry Otto, Rohan Nicol, Essie Davis.Rating : ***Blissfully unaware of beacon havoc The Herald-Sun (Melbourne). 29-07-2010 |
Leigh Paatsch
Hard to imagine much of a queue forming for this quirky period piece.
Which is a shame, for South Solitaryâs Australian writer-director Shirley Barrett i...[full record]
journal - Love Serenade Cinema Papers. p.12 |
Grace Waddell,
Andrew Urban
An interview with writer-director Shirley Barrett about the inspiration behind Love Serenade, its shooting and the collaborations within. Producer Jan Chapm...[full record]
journal - Love Serenade: Press Kit Love Serenade: Press Kit. 01-01-1996 |
Author Unknown
[full record]
newspaper - mUmBRELLA : South Solitary: no film is an island Encore. 28-07-2010 |
Miguel Gonzalez
Director Shirley Barrett didnât get to shoot South Solitary on her dream island, but she found that Plan B is sometimes better. Miguel Gonzalez writes.
...[full record]
journal - My First Feature in the Cannes Metro 117. pp.pp. 53-58 |
This is an edited transcript of one of the AFI Conversations on Film that involved the responses of director Samantha Lang, actress Pamela Rabe and Director ...[full record]
web - SBS Film South Solitary : A sluggish tale of stilted romance. . 29-07-2010 |
Fiona Williams
The distress signals are coming over loud and clear in Shirley Barrettâs South Solitary well before the lead character spells them out in semaphore.
Ba...[full record]
newspaper - Self-examination with few visible restraints The Canberra Times. 09-10-1993. p.8 |
Dougal Macdonald
A piece of review on the film by Bob Ellis, 'The Nostradamus Kid'.
[full record]
newspaper - South Solitary : South Solitary The Age. 29-07-2010 |
Phillipa Hawker
SOUTH Solitary is a lovely, awkward film, an exploration of characters mired in isolation; it's a slow-moving work with a deceptively gentle surface, an unpr...[full record]
newspaper - South Solitary Movie Shot in Tasmania : A Wild and Woolly Adventure The Sydney Morning Herald. 27-07-2010 |
Karl Quinn
Miranda Otto tames Victoria's wild west in her latest film that also stars her father, writes Karl Quinn.
WHEN you spend six weeks shooting a film on loc...[full record]
newspaper - Teenage romp fails to inspire The Sun. 06-03-1994. p.22 |
Stuart Diwell
A short review on the film 'The Nostradamus Kid'. It contains a brief story plot and comment on the film being a disappointment.[full record]
web - The iMAGAZINE : In Review: The Well . 01-07-1997 |
Jayne Margetts
A review combined with excerpts of an interview with Lang that examines the powerful images and themes at play within 'The Well'.[full record]
newspaper - The Kid makes a stand Herald Sun (Melbourne-1st edition). 21-10-1993. p.47 |
Loretta Hall
The article is about the film, 'The Nostradamus Kid' as yet another piece of autobiography of Bob Ellis. It contains a brief story plot, Ellis's views on Noa...[full record]
journal - The Nostradamus Kid Variety, Rolling Stone |
Quinn Karl,
David Stratton,
Andrew Urban
A review of the Bob Ellis's film, 'The Nostradamus Kid'. [full record]
journal - The Well Cinema Papers 116. pp.26--28, 58 |
Tim Hunter
An interview with director Samantha Lang about the process of her involvement in 'The Well' and its shooting. She discusses the choices she made with Walker...[full record]
journal - The Well: Press Kit The Well: Press Kit. 01-01-1997. p.n.p. |
Author Unknown
[full record]
newspaper - Vaguely arresting The Weekend Australian. 22-08-1998. pp.21-22 |
Evan Williams
Drawing a reference to Hitchcock's The Wrong Man, this article highlights the fact that both the police and the accused man, Eddie Fleming, are not as trust ...[full record]
newspaper - Well Done The Weekend Australian. 21-06-1997. pp.34-37 |
Sue Williams
This is a valuable resource, through interviews it looks at representation and influence within 'The Well'. The film's subsequent response is garnered, incl...[full record]