Name |
John Meillon |
Comments |
By the time that 'Crocodile Dundee' was written in 1985, John Meillon had become such a legend of the Australian screen that he had a part in the film (Wally) written especially for him. He had previously starred in 'The Sundowners', 'They're a Wierd Mob', 'Wake in Fright', 'The Cars that Ate Paris', The Fourth Wish', 'The Picture Show Man', 'Heatwave' and 'The Wild Duck'. Meillon has worked not only on films, but on TV, radio, theatre and film. His TV career began in ABC's 'Stumpy' when Meillon was just 11 years old. |
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References ( click to view )
chapter - A century of Australian cinema : Developing pictures: Australian cinema (1970-1995) . 00-00-1995. pp.172-197 |
Peter Kemp
This chapter is one in a series documenting the history of cinema in Australia. The book is beautifully presented and contains a large array of still photogr...[full record]
journal - Kennedy Miller, Cross-Over and Collaboration Cinema Papers. pp.14 - 22 |
Debi Enker
Contains a detailed Kennedy Miller filmography until 1989, in addition to interviews with some of Kennedy Miller's many directors and writers.
Contains st...[full record]
newspaper - Racy Fiction on Four Wheels The Herald. 15-10-1974. p.24 |
Andrew McKay
McKay opens his article with a statement that emphasises the 'cultural cringe' of the time, when he says that "...The most refreshing aspect of this spooky ...[full record]
newspaper - Still as weird as ever Independent (WA). 27-01-1985. p.40 |
Denise Shaw
This article is a review come nostalgic look at the film They're A Weird Mob leading up to it's screening on television on the Australia day holiday.
[full record]
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