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David Wenham |
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newspaper - A good marriage dogged by bad luck Sydney Morning Herald. 21-04-2005. p.18 |
Sandra Hall
A review of the movie Three Dollars[full record]
journal - Ben Mendelsohn Cinema Papers 119. pp.18 - 22 |
Tim Hunter
This article is essentially a detailed biography of Ben Mendelsohn with his feature film production history outlined. A personal perspective is offered on ev...[full record]
newspaper - Filmmakers cheap shots Sun Herald. 15-06-1997. p.31 |
Sue Williams
Article looks at low-budget film funding
the pros and the cons of not relying totally on government funding. The success of Australian films in this low-bud...[full record]
newspaper - Frances Supernova Weekend Financial Review. 24-03-2005. p.48 |
Chris Boyd
Chris Boyd discovers that having a baby in no way slows down Frances O'Connor[full record]
newspaper - Mostly wrong about the best film Canberra Times. 14-11-1998. p.18 |
Mark Juddery
Emphasing how predictable the AFI awards can be, this artcile also talks about how box office success is not always compatible with AFI success, ie The Inter...[full record]
newspaper - Paris on 300 extras a day The Sydney Morning Herald. 19-04-2000. p.19 |
Garry Maddox
A journalist is given access during the final weeks of the five month shoot. The shoot is described as 'difficult, harrowing, exhausting'. The end of the r...[full record]
newspaper - Two pays from disaster Sunday Age. 17-05-2005. p.17 |
Luke Benedictus
'In life, as in politics, anyone can turn from a rooster one minute to a feather duster the next, believes Elliot Perlman' -Luke Benedictus[full record]
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