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Max Cullen |
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journal - Fast-Moving Study In Frustration The Bulletin. p.86 |
Sandra Hall
Hall's initial and continuing point relates to the film's motivation: as a social statement! Such a motivation on behalf of McLennan and Boner (the films Wri...[full record]
newspaper - From Teenage Thief to Model: Tracy Steals Show The Sun. 21-11-1980. p.n.p. |
John Hanrahan
The article begins by listing "Hard Knocks" AFI awards success where it won the 'Jury Prize,' and 'Best Actress' categories (Tracy Mann). Hanrahan attributes...[full record]
newspaper - Going Straight National Times (Sydney). 02-11-1980. p.55 |
John Hindle
Hindle found the film's strength to lie in it's steely look at one aspect of the eighties contemporary society - youth and crime, which he talks about as emi...[full record]
picture - Hard Knocks . 00-00-1980 |
[full record]
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