newspaper - Black films burst with radiance The Weekend Australian. 13-06-1998. p.12 |
Lynden Barber
The articel refers to Rachel's past work in documentary with the ABC TV's indigenous program unit how the film was inspired. "Radiance" has been adpapted fro...[full record]
newspaper - Chinese at Heart The Weekend Australian. 15-02-1997. p.12 |
Richard McGregor
[full record]
newspaper - Dire projections The Weekend Australian. 12-09-1998. p.28 |
Lynden Barber
Barber documents the struggle or several independent cinemas around Australia and their fight to secure fairer distribution-exhibition practices through the ...[full record]
newspaper - Facing the music The Weekend Australian. 02-05-1998. pp.15-18 |
Author Unknown
Written after R&J's Australian release, so also talks about new project (Moulin Rouge) but covers a lot of Luhrmann's history also.[full record]
newspaper - Films to do die for The Weekend Australian. 07-03-1998. p.3 |
Kerrie Murphy
Murphy's article is about the video release of older fillms and how the release dates and ownership of rights works. There is no set system or formulaic guid...[full record]
newspaper - Horrifically hilarious debut The Weekend Australian. 29-07-2000. p.21 |
Evan Williams
This review begins by stressing the importance of the film's legal service team implying the interpretation of Chopper as 'a vicious killer, a sadistic bully...[full record]
newspaper - Life for Bad Boy Bubby cling wrap killing of girl The Weekend Australian. 07-06-1997. p.11 |
Stephen Brook
Report on David Keyte, of Perth, who killed his girlfriend by suffocating her with cling wrap - a copy of the murders Bubby commits in the film. He was sent...[full record]
newspaper - Much ado about Woop Woop The Weekend Australian. 08-08-1998. pp.31-33 |
Jane Cornwell
Story about the controversy surrounding Welcome to Woop Woop.
[full record]
newspaper - Night Of Black Soul The Weekend Australian. 03-05-1997. p.11 |
Evan Williams
[full record]
newspaper - No Title The Weekend Australian. 30-09-1995. p.70 |
Author Unknown
Article discusses 'Blue Murder'[full record]
newspaper - Oz film finds a racial pioneer The Weekend Australian. 21-11-1981. p.20 |
Margaret Smith
More an article on director Ned Lander than on the film Wrong Side of the Road. It looks at the reasoning behind the film, the pre-production process, and h...[full record]
newspaper - Patriotic overload The Weekend Australian. 15-07-1995 |
Lynden Barber
Lynden Barber looks at the films chosen to be included in Celluloid Heroes and how they were mainly the box office successes.
These films despite 'ockeris...[full record]
newspaper - Preaching to the converted The Weekend Australian. 30-07-1994. p.53 |
Evan Williams
Talks about the way the film uses other relationships to highlight the homosexual one and the effectiveness on the casting.[full record]
newspaper - Reel Women The Weekend Australian. 25-04-1998. pp.1-7 |
Lynden Barber
Ana Kokkinos is the latest in an impressive line of Australian female directors given entree to the worlds most sought-after film forum. Why do we produce so...[full record]
newspaper - Scream Idol hits the Right Buttons The Weekend Australian. 15-02-1997. p.10 |
Lynden Barber
The use of computers and special effects feature heavily in Jackson's fifth feature, The Frighteners. Article looks at Jackson's career and computer generat...[full record]
newspaper - Sentimental Blokes The Weekend Australian. 28-08-1999. p.22 |
Lynden Barber
The new twist of the male characters the audiences want to see on screen and more new age sensitive male lead that are in touch with the feminine side.
...[full record]
newspaper - Smart Alex The Weekend Australian. 16-05-1998. pp.33-34 |
Lynden Barber
An interview with Alex Proyas about his place in the Australian film industry, his troubles in filming, and myths surrounding, "The Crow", and his new releas...[full record]
journal - The Year My Voice Broke Time Out, Variety, Screen International, On Screen, Monthly Film Bulletin, The Weekend Australian 664 V56. pp.158 - 159 |
Author Unknown,
Tim Pulleine
Review with complete production credits and synopisis. Contains still photograph of Noah Taylor outside the town's Astor theatre.
[full record]
newspaper - Trapped in a soap bubble The Weekend Australian. 26-09-1998. p.21 |
Evan Williams
Discusses the film's exploration of our fears that we aren't control of ourselves, that our lives are "regulated by endless pressures to perform". Also menti...[full record]
newspaper - Vaguely arresting The Weekend Australian. 22-08-1998. pp.21-22 |
Evan Williams
Drawing a reference to Hitchcock's The Wrong Man, this article highlights the fact that both the police and the accused man, Eddie Fleming, are not as trust ...[full record]
newspaper - Well Done The Weekend Australian. 21-06-1997. pp.34-37 |
Sue Williams
This is a valuable resource, through interviews it looks at representation and influence within 'The Well'. The film's subsequent response is garnered, incl...[full record]
newspaper - When boy gets boy The Weekend Australian. 16-07-1994. pp.34-35 |
Sue Williams
Interview with the writer of the play/screenplay and the reasons behind him writing the play. Also talks about the different adaptions throughout the world a...[full record]