Title |
Mauri |
Copyright Title |
Released |
1988 |
Production Year |
1988 |
Director |
Merata Mita
Comments |
On the whole, 'Mauri' expresses some strong messages about 'Mauri' spirituality and the importance of ritual and family. However, it does not gel entirely well and is at times confusing and drawn out. Some of the acting is also quite poor, or perhaps the lines are too unnatural for the actors to make them credible. 'Mauri' is beautifully shot, and the location fantastic. There are perhaps too many themes incorporated into the one film here. However a great first feature film for Mita.(without intending to sound condescending) Sarah Billens 1998. |
Synopsis |
A film with many plots occurring at the one time, 'Mauri''s central theme seems to be the passing on and preservation of Maori culture amongst the pressures of a Pakeha world. It deals with other issues such as Maori beliefs on afterlife and birth, also inter-racial marriage, racism, and traitorism. |
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References ( click to view )
journal - Maori Values New Zealand Film. 01-02-1987. p.p.14 |
Author Unknown
[full record]
journal - Marae Centre New Zealand Film. 01-05-1987. p.p.7 |
Author Unknown
[full record]
journal - Mauri review Variety. p.p.13 |
[full record]
book - Moving Images From Aotearoa/ New Zealand . 00-00-1992 |
[full record]
book - Naming the other:images of the Maori in New Zealnd film and television . 00-00-1994 |
Martin Blythe
[full record]
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