Title |
Mana Waka |
Copyright Title |
Mana Waka |
Released |
1990 |
Production Year |
1990 |
Director |
Merata Mita
Comments |
The film is unattainable Victoria, and is not found on the database for the Australian National Film Archive either. Footage remains in the hands of the Te Puea Estate, NZ. |
Synopsis |
This film is a construction of 1930s footage of the making of the ancient Maori canoes/waka, which was intially to be a film cut together and ready for the 1940 centennial celebrations, which was an idea of Pricess Te Puea's at that time to try and uplift people after the Great Depression. Later in the 1983, the Maori Queen, Dame Te Atairangikahu approved the retrieval and reconstruction of the material. As the original footage was shot by Manley, a photographer, not a cinematographer, there is no camera movement; just long static shots of the building of the waka, and the eventual launching of them into the water. Hence Mita, given the job of scripting and editing it had a hard time cutting it neatly and smoothly together. (Henry, Ella. 'Mana Waka' in Onfilm, Feb-Mar, '90, Vol.7 No.2, p.21.) |
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References ( click to view )
journal - Mana Waka Onfilm (NZ), Variety, The New Zealand Film Archive Newsletter, Onfilm V7. p.p.21 |
Author Unknown,
Ella Henry
Speaks about the making of Mana Waka, adn the challenge that it was to create the end product.[full record]
book - Moving Images From Aotearoa/ New Zealand . 00-00-1992 |
[full record]
journal - Nga Waka The New Zealand Film Archive Newsletter |
Author Unknown
Brief rundown on how Mita gained the 1937 footage of the canoe making, and the story behind the man, RGH Manley, who shot it.[full record]
journal - Wellington Film Festival The New Zealand Film Archive Newsletter. p.p.2 |
Author Unknown
Mention that 'Mana Waka' had its premiere screening at the Wellington Film Festival.[full record]
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