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Raging Bull |
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journal - Director's Cut Andrew Dominik's Chopper if. pp.33-38 |
Mark Cherry
Interview with Dominik and brief review of Chopper described glowingly as a special event and so unique it is incomparable.
The interview with Dominik is re...[full record]
chapter - Mythologies of violence in postmodern media : Raging Bully: Postmodern violence and masculinity in Raging Bull . 00-00-1999. pp.175-196 |
Frank Tomasulo
Tomasulo interprets Raging Bull as a postmodern meditation on mythic masculinity.
The postmodern cinematic style employed throughout the film is discussed...[full record]
newspaper - You looking at me ? The Age. 03-08-2000. pp.1-2 |
Adrian Martin
Martin laments the lack of Australian "true crime" films as Australia has an intriguing crime history and although he claims Chopper is worth seeing mainly f...[full record]
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