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AFI research collection
Title $9.99
Released 2008
Production Year 2008
Director Tatia Rosenthal
Countries of Production Australia, Israel
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The film $9.99’s target audience is adults who have an alternative taste in films and are interested in stop motion animation. The film is made with a comedic element and the philosophical idea of finding the meaning of life. The film $9.99 is an important part of the Australian film industry history. The film is one of the first stop motion animation that is targeted towards an adult audience with realistic puppets. This is the original source of research as it is the film itself and has clearly stamped itself into the Australian film industry. The film is extremely pleasant to view with detailed clay puppets and scenes. The film is well executed and it took animators 40 weeks to complete the production. The story line of the film is not original as it’s based on a series of short stories by Israeli writer Etgar Keret. The films narrative is strong, however the audience may be left underwhelming with the ending being quite sudden and uneventful. This is a huge problem with the Australian film industry struggling to produce films at a first class rate. This film needs to be credited for the risk and unusual nature of the story line with themes not usually viewed in narrative. Using clay stop motion animation instead of regular film with actors was a huge risk for director Tatia Rosebthal that has paid off. The use of animation has allowed the film to take on a magical sense. There is an angel, miniature people and other unusual elements that would have been difficult to produce in film and look fantastic in animation. The film has been made to look magical and realistic at the same time, which Rosebthal has managed to find the perfect balance allowing audiences to become entranced into the films ideas.


Synopsis A stop-motion animated feature that weaves together stories from the residents of a Sydney apartment block and offers slightly less than ten dollars worth of wisdom about the meaning of life.
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