Name |
Mitchell Butel |
Birth Year |
1970 |
Comments |
Mitchell Butel was born on 10/2/1970. He has completed a Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Studies at the University of NSW, and appeared in a range of theatre, television and film productions.
STRANGE FITS OF PASSION Lead DIR Elise McCredie, ABC/Meridian Films
TWO HANDS Ticket Clerk DIR Gregor Jordan Blindfold 3 Productions
THE LIE DETECTOR TEST Jim Critical Mass Productions (Short Film)
THE GIFT Waldo Half Mute Productions
DARK CITY Detective Hussellbeck DIR Alex Proyas Dark City Productions
HANDLE WITH CARE Nick Film Australia (Educational video)
SEDUCTION 101 The Boy DIR Tony Macnamara Australian Film, Television and Radio School
ALL SAINTS Guest role ATS Channel Seven WILDSIDE Stand-up comedian ABC/Gannon Jenkins, Dir Kate Woods MURDER CALL Paul Jago Hal McElroy Productions Dir Richard Jasek GP Angus Marshall ABC Television GP Chris ABC Television Dir Tony Tilse MOTHER GOOSE(pilot)Little Jack Spratt ABC Television Dir Geoff Portman BORDERTOWN Nino ABC TV/Knapman Films Dir Ken Cameron/Ian Gilmore MONOLOGUES - "THE BATTLEFIELD OF KURUKESTRA" - PETE ABC Television, Dir Robert Connolly
THEATRE LAUGHTER ON THE 23RD FLOOR Kenny Franks Ensemble Theatre Dir - Adam Cook UNIDENTIFIED HUMAN REMAINS AND THE TRUE NATURE OF LOVE David SATC Dir Rosalba Clemente MOURNING BECOMES ELECTRA Orin STC Dir Barry Kosky FOLLIES IN CONCERT Young Buddy Sydney Opera House Dir Stephen Lloyd-Helper LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS Seymour QPAT Brisbane Season, Dir David Atkins TARTUFFE Deamis STC - Dir Barry Kosky A VIEW FROM THE BRIDGE Rodolpho Belvoir St Theatre Dir Adam Cook TWO WEEKS WITH THE QUEEN Alistair STC - Dir Marion Potts DEAD WHITE MALES Steve STC - Dir Wayne Harrison THE CAFFE LATTE KID Placid Lake STC/New Stages Dir Marion Potts DEAD HEART Gordon Belvoir St Theatre/Black Swan Theatre Dir Neil Armfield SUMMER OF THE ALIENS Brian STC - Dir Angela Chapman BLUE REMEMBERED HILLS John O'Punsky's Theatre Company Dir Angela Chapman SIX DEGREES OF SEPARATION Doug STC Dir Wayne Harrison GREASE Doody Gordon Frost Org Dir David Atkins THE FANTASTICKS Matt Newton Actors'Group Dir Nancy Hayes/Diana Denley A HARD GOD Joe New England Theatre Company Dir Gary Down ROMEO AND JULIET Friar Laurence Parade Theatre/ATYP Dir Mark Gaal BURGER BRAIN The Brain Seymour Centre/ATYP Dir Stephen Lloyd-Helper
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References ( click to view )
newspaper - 'Wedding' no bliss Washington Post. 20-06-1997 |
Rita Kempley
A review of My Best Friend's Wedding - compares the film to 1930's screwball comedies.[full record]
newspaper - A role with passion Sunday Herald-Sun. 10-05-1998. p.78 |
John Beveridge
A review of The Object of My Affection[full record]
journal - ABC's 'Passion' for feature production Encore 22 V16. pp.10-11 |
Susannah Petty
A well researched article including interview grabs from director, Elise McCredie, producer Lucy Maclaren, exec producer Carole Sklan, actor Mitchell Butel, ...[full record]
newspaper - Brussels sprouts a winner The Sydney Morning Herald. 25-05-1999. p.13 |
Howard Feinstein
One of the few reviews in Australia on Strange Fits of Passion in Cannes. [full record]
newspaper - Butel likes 'underdog' tag The Daily Telegraph. 05-08-1999 |
Author Unknown
Discusses Mitchell Butel's role in Strange Fits of Passion, which has been selected to screen in the AFI (Australian Film Industry) awards. Discusses Butel's...[full record]
newspaper - hanks& New York Times. 18-12-1998. p.131 |
Janet Maslin
A review of 'You've Got Mail' praising the emphasis on literature and the central female character.[full record]
book - Home is where the heart is : Minelli and Melodrama . 00-00-1987 |
Laura Mulvey,
Geoffrey Nowell-Smith,
Christine Gledhill
This book is a collection of writings from different authors on Melodrama and Women's Film. [full record]
newspaper - Julia and her best friend's shine The Age. 02-10-1997. p.B4 |
Barbara Creed
A review of My Best Friend's Wedding, questioning the distinction, if any, between friends and lovers.[full record]
newspaper - Passionate production Herald Sun - Guide. p.2 |
Author Unknown
Announces Strange Fits of Passion is set for pre-production, who it stars and the joint funding.[full record]
web - Strange Fits of Passion Cinema Papers, Moving Pictures |
Mark Smith,
Andrew Urban
[full record]
chapter - The Cinema Book : Melodrama . 00-00-1985. pp.73-84 |
Pam Cook
This chapter discusses theories on Melodrama and Women's Film - focusing on writers such as Laura Mulvey, Thomas Elsaesser and Geoffrey Nowell-Smith[full record]
newspaper - You've Got Mail Sunday Herald-Sun. 20-12-1998. p.11 |
Rob Lowing
A review of the film "You've Got Mail."[full record]
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