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The Third Sex |
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newspaper - A world-class event The Age. 15-03-1996. p.A15 |
Greg Burchall,
Jim Schembri
The introduction to this article is about the illustrious career of teh 1996 Melbourne Queer Film and Video Festival Director Tanara Jungwirth, detailing the...[full record]
newspaper - Impressive Collection for Gay Festival The Age. p.A14 |
Barbara Creed
This is a review of the 1996 Melbourne Queer FIlm and Video Festival, focusing on one of the opening films "The THird Sex", an underground German film (1958)...[full record]
newspaper - New Venues, Old Faces Melbourne Star Observer. p.9 |
Spiro Economopoulos
Short review of the 1996 Melbourne Queer Film and Video Festival, mentioning the most popular films.
This issue of MSO also contained a festival program. [full record]
newspaper - Queer Today, Gay Tomorrow The Age. 15-03-1996. p.7 |
Leigh Paatsch
An overview of the 1996 Melbourne Queer Film and Video Festival, encouraginf fans of all types to attend the festival. Focusing mainly on the Australian cont...[full record]
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