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My Best Friends Wedding |
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newspaper - Bride Side of Life Herald Sun. 12-09-2006. p.41 |
Author Unknown
An opening public relations boost for the film about Julia Roberts' 'new' career under the eyes of Ausiie director, P.J Hogan
[full record]
newspaper - Hogan's Heroines The Sydney Morning Herald. 26-09-1997. p.11 |
Ruth Hussey
A review that talks of the brilliance of Roberts' performance and her ability to perform "against her beauty". Whatever that means?
[full record]
newspaper - Julia's Wedding Blues The Cairns Post. 12-09-1997. p.36 |
Natalie Gould
[full record]
newspaper - No Title The Age. 02-10-1997. p.4 |
Barbara Creed
[full record]
newspaper - No title Sunday Age. 09-11-1997. p.5 |
Doug Aiton
Far too personal ramble about how much he hated the film. He insults everyone except the director in the process.[full record]
newspaper - The little Aussie who rescued Julia Roberts Adelaide Advertiser. 25-09-1997. p.11 |
Stan James
Very warm interview with Hogan, with general questions about the abbreviations in his name, how he bagan his career etc.
[full record]
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