book - "Mapping the Godzone: A Primer on New Zealand LIterature and Culture . 00-00-1998 |
William Schaefer
[full record]
journal - 'Steamy Adventures' for Jackson's Likeable Puppet Stars NZfilm 38. p.9 |
Author Unknown
Extracts from glowing responses to the opening preview of Meet the Feebles.
[full record]
journal - Earthy Creatures Film Comment 3 V31. pp.31-34 |
Michael Atkinson
More of a discussion, rather than a synopsis, of Jackson's films.
[full record]
journal - Feebles Premiers in Toronto NZfilm 41. p.7 |
Author Unknown
Feebles is shown at various festivals with fantastic response. Article outlines international release details and festival awards it has won.
[full record]
journal - Feebles wins in Italy, Popular in Australia NZfilm 44. p.12 |
Author Unknown
Feebles is awarded three prizes at the annual Fantastic Film Festival in Rome. Includes extracts of Australian responses to the film.
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chapter - Film in Aotearoa : NZFX: The Films of Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh . 00-00-1996. pp.150-160 |
Author Unknown,
Jim Barr,
Mary Barr
[full record]
book - Mapping the Godzone: A Primer on New Zealand Literature and Culture . 00-00-1998 |
William Schafer
[full record]
journal - Meet The Feebles Variety. 30-05-1990. p.32 |
[full record]
journal - More Sales for Jackson's 'Spluppet' Feature NZfilm 40. p.10 |
Author Unknown
Belgium, the Netherlands, Israel, French Canada and Australia buy Meet the Feebels. Jackson talks about the film.
[full record]
web - Offscreen : Your Mother Ate My Dog! Peter Jackson and Gore-Gag Comedy . 01-09-2001 |
Donato Totaro
Looks at the evolution of horror films from slasher to gore comedy to splat-stick. Contains a gore-gag taxonomy of form and content, using Jackson's films as...[full record]
book - Peter Jackson: From Prince of Splatter to Lord of the Rings . 00-00-2003 |
Ian Pryor
[full record]
web - The Bastards Have Landed : Made in New Zealand: The Cinema of Peter Jackson . 01-05-2002 |
Costa Boates
[full record]
journal - Three Major Territories First to buy Feebles NZfilm 39. p.6 |
Author Unknown
United States, Germany and Japan buy Meet the Feebles after screenings at MIFED. Includes brief summary of the film and Jackson's career.
[full record]
journal - Two Jackson Projects This Year NZfilm 37. p.7 |
Author Unknown
Meet the Feebles and Braindead are both in production. Article provides brief synopsis of both films.
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