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Salt Saliva Sperm and Sweat |
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References ( click to view )
web - Melbourne Independent Filmmakers : Philip Brophy . 01-04-2005 |
Philip Brophy
Biographical resource on Brophy, which explores his history as a filmmaker and his work as the director and instigator of the Cinesonic Conference on Film So...[full record]
web - NMA Publications : Philip Brophy : 22 Contemporary Australian Composers . 00-00-1988 |
John Jenkins
Basic biography of Brophy's career as a composer, sound designer and his work with the collective tsk tsk tsk[full record]
chapter - The Australian Screen : Indefinite objects: independent film and video . 00-00-1989. pp.170-190 |
Adrian Martin
An attempt to create a subjective history through modes, not genres for low-budget, experimental filmmaking that is not the Cantrills Filmnotes.[full record]
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