Title |
One Night the Moon |
Copyright Title |
One Night the Moon |
Released |
2001 |
Production Year |
1999 |
Director |
Rachel Perkins
Comments |
Jim Ryan's blatant racism is also accentuated by his fear that the Black Trackerâs knowledge of the land far exceeds any knowledge he possesses, and this gives way to doubt in the settlerâs mind of his ownership of the land. This is illustrated in the song âThis land is mine/This land is meâ The film is only applied to two characters in depth, the Jim Ryan and Albert Yang, but these feeling of ambiguity felt by European settlers was widespread.
Synopsis |
The film "One Night the Moon" is a story about a farmer, that refuses the help of an Indigenous tracker and this contributes to his daughterâs death.
In 1932, a young girl (Emily Ryan) goes through her bedroom window in the middle of the night into outback Australia because of the entrancing moon. When her parents awake, there is no sign of the missing child. Jim and Rose Ryan spent the night looking for her, but cannot find her. The following day Jim Ryan asks the NSW police for help, however; their very best man is an indigenous tracker named Albert Yang. Jim Ryan refuses help from Albert insisting "-no blackfella is to set foot on my land." Jim gathers as many white men as he can, and systematically searches across the desolate land, all the while, Albert watches helplessly as they erase every track in the dust.
Some time later, while the missing child is still missing, Rose Ryan makes a decision to ask for Albert's help, without the knowledge of her husband. Albert and Rose find the girl dead in the hills and bring her body back home.
Albert's wife sings the funeral song, while their own child is missing as a result of the "Stolen Generation". Jim Ryan blames himself for his daughter's death and commits suicide. |
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Script extract |
This extract is from the morning after the daughter goes missing. it is followed by the song "This land is mine/This land is me" and effectively demonstrates the opposition of the farmer and the Aboriginal Tracker.
The sun rises over the Flinders.
The roadside is a scatter of parked cars and trucks. Here cooking fires are being tended. Men are washing themselves, checking equipment and supplies. One crawls from where he slept, under a truck. Others emerge from tents and swags.
The extent of the scene is sampled. It%u2019s like an overnight temporary city has sprung up. A fifty strong search party of VOLUNTEERS has gathered at the farm.
The MOTHER is pouring tea from a big pot for VOLUNTEERS from the verandah. The SEARGENT approaches her. The MOTHER pours him tea. He and the MOTHER watch as the FATHER arrives and dismounts from his horse.
MOTHER Cup of tea.?
The FATHER walks past her to the SEARGENT.
FATHER We going to sit around having tea all day or we going to get going?
The SERGEANT takes in the surrounding countryside. A car is approaching in the distance.
SERGEANT Now that Albert%u2019s arrived, yes, we can begin.
They watch as the car pulls up and ALBERT and ALLMAN get out of the car. ALBERT is now also in police uniform. The MOTHER goes to the FATHER.
ALBERT waits a moment, notes the open windows of the house. He looks up toward the sun, just rising over the mountain range and tilts down from that toward the house where he finally notices the parents talking together, obviously about him. ALBERT and ALLMAN walk toward the house.
The MOTHER looks apprehensively at the FATHER as he watches them approach. The SEARGENT walks down the stairs to meet them.
ALBERT Mornin%u2019 Sergeant
SERGEANT This is Jim Ryan
ALBERT nods up at the FATHER standing up on the veranda, but the FATHER does not respond. ALLMAN notes their cold response.
SERGEANT Their little girl is missing, disappeared sometime between ten and one last night, has therefore been gone approximately six hours. Probably run off or possibly taken . see if you can get a track and direction, we%u2019ll follow you and ALLMAN from there.
FATHER (to SEARGENT) Hang on a minute.I don%u2019t think we%u2019ll be needing his (ALBERT%u2019S) services.
SERGEANT Albert is a police officer and also a highly skilled blacktracker
The FATHER gives the MOTHER a look. She drops the kettle and goes inside
FATHER Listen sergeant, my daughter is out there and I%u2019m not having some blackfella leading the search party
SERGEANT You%u2019ve been up all night, you%u2019re not thinking straight
FATHER It%u2019s my daughter and my station and I%u2019ll decide who can be on my land..
The FATHER waits for someone to question his authority.no one does.
FATHER .alright.
The FATHER walks down the steps past ALBERT and ALLMAN. The SEARGENT turns to ALBERT.
SERGEANT OK Allman, get the men ready and get ALBERT off the property.
ALLMAN But a mob this big%u2019ll wipe out just about every track that kid%u2019s.. (left)
The SEARGENT cuts him off.
SERGEANT My hands are tied
The FATHER standing with the assembled VOLUNTEERS calls out to the SEARGENT.
FATHER Are we ever gonna get this circus rolling?
He is staring hard at the SEARGENT, but shifts his focus to ALLMAN.
FATHER Or are we gonna stand round yakking all day?
SERGEANT We%u2019re on the move
The FATHER moves off with the SEARGENT. ALBERT and ALLMAN watch them, taking note of their feet as they kick up dust and destroy any tracks that were left.
ALLMAN I don%u2019t believe this..
ALBERT stands silent. He has no choice but to accept his orders. ALLMAN reluctantly walks off to join the others
The SERGEANT orders the men into a line. ALBERT who is left standing at the garden fence takes all this activity in. He looks toward the FATHER.
MUSIC: This Land Is Mine
The VOLUNTEERS form up in a rough semi-circle. The FATHER sensing ALBERT%u2019s gaze, turns his back on him to look out across the paddock. He finishes saddling his horse.
FATHER This land is mine All the way to the old fence line Every break of day I%u2019m working hard just to make it pay
This land is mine Yeah I signed on the dotted line Camp fires on the creek bank Bank breathing down my neck
They won%u2019t take it away They won%u2019t take it away They won%u2019t take it away from me
The FATHER mounts his horse.
Meanwhile ALBERT has been grabbing his swag and now walks off in the other direction.
ALBERT This land is me Rock, water, animal, tree They are my song My being%u2019s here where I belong
He looks back at the search party.
ALBERT This land owns me From generations past to infinity We%u2019re all but woman and man You only fear what you don%u2019t understand
The MOTHER watches both men.
FATHER AND ALBERT This land is mine This land is me This land is mine This land owns me
ALBERT walks off down the road.
FATHER AND ALBERT They won%u2019t take it away They won%u2019t take it away They won%u2019t take it away from me
The TRACKER looks back toward the house and sees the MOTHER at the window looking out at him.
MUSIC: This Land Is Mine ends
The MOTHER shuts EMILY%u2019s bedroom window, closes the curtains and sits down on the bed.
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