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Rupert Murdoch |
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web - A tale of two Ruperts: the media mogul and the man he saved : TV PROGRAM TRANSCRIPT, 7.30 Report . |
Murray McLaughlin
A Televesion transcript from ABC' 7:30 Report. Broadcast in 30/10/2002 the script displays segments of the film and an interview with Max Stuart and how he f...[full record]
newspaper - Campaigning: Ben Mendelsohn plays Rupert Murdosh in Black & White Courier Mail. 26-10-2002. p.M12 ID 750 |
Author Unknown
This article expressed the film making process that took place when making Black & White. Many of the scenes were filmed in Iconic South Australian landmarks...[full record]
newspaper - Film industry fails to preserve culture: Adams. The Australian. 21-11-1995 |
Amanda Meade
At an International arts and media conference the 12th IMZ World Congress on Arts and the Media in the 21st Century, Phillip Adams talks about the prevelance...[full record]
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