newspaper - True focus on Aboriginal film The Australian. 05-07-1996. pp.18-19 |
Criticises the tendancy of television stations to schedule Indigenous programs during the National Aboriginal and Islanders Day of Commitee (NAIDOC)Week that...[full record]
newspaper - Filmmakers cheap shots Sun Herald. 15-06-1997. p.31 |
Article looks at low-budget film funding
the pros and the cons of not relying totally on government funding. The success of Australian films in this low-bud...[full record]
newspaper - Cannes applauds SBS Innovators The Australian. 20-05-1996. p.14 |
This article discusses the impact SBS Independent has had on the Australian film industry and the success of projects it has funded since its inception in 19...[full record]
newspaper - Hoon Culture takes a beating The Australian. 17-04-1997. p.32 |
Depth of insight into the violence and society's conditioning of young men in Australian society.
[full record]
newspaper - Movies Australian Good Taste. 01-08-1999. p.18 |
A normal movie review of the month from the magazine. However, Two Hands was highy recommand compare with the other 2 reviews int he page. Two Hands was give...[full record]
newspaper - Arresting approach to crime drama The Australian. 06-06-1997. p.20 |
This article introduces us to Gordon 'Davie.' An ex-cop who is renouned in Australia for his expertise and experience in ther police force. Davie worked as c...[full record]
newspaper - When boy gets boy The Weekend Australian. 16-07-1994. pp.34-35 |
Interview with the writer of the play/screenplay and the reasons behind him writing the play. Also talks about the different adaptions throughout the world a...[full record]
newspaper - Furore over Chopper film Sun Herald. 31-01-1999. p.21 |
Community groups including Australian Family Association and Victims of Crime Assistance League have condemned the Film Finance Corporation's decision to fu...[full record]
newspaper - Well Done The Weekend Australian. 21-06-1997. pp.34-37 |
This is a valuable resource, through interviews it looks at representation and influence within 'The Well'. The film's subsequent response is garnered, incl...[full record]
newspaper - Noah's aaaaarrrgh! . 12-08-2001. p.3 |
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