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Nick Giannopoulos |
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newspaper - All aboard the DVD train Financial Review. 24-03-2004. p.61 |
Michaela Boland
Michaela Boland documents the rise in popularity of the DVD and how many filmmakers/producers now rely on DVD sales to cover budget costs and recover losses ...[full record]
web - Senses of Cinema : Packaging Australia: Working Dog's The Dish . 01-01-2001 |
Mark Freeman
This article comments on and compares Rob Sitch's 'The Dish' with the films of controversial Chinese film-maker Zhang Yimou, whose films seek to "exoticise f...[full record]
newspaper - Taking a cut in profits The Daily Telegraph. 08-03-2000. p.16 |
Author Unknown
Report on the disappointing premiere of Australian film 'Cut' (2000), opening the same weekend as the more popular 'The Wog Boy', in Australia. Producers/stu...[full record]
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