Name |
Grant Lyndsay |
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References ( click to view )
journal - "Squatter's Daughter" Ball Everyones. 06-09-1933. p.4 |
Author Unknown
An account of the Squatter's Daughter Ball, a publicity event organised by Hal Chapman.[full record]
newspaper - Cinesound's Dramatic Success . p.10 |
Author Unknown
A favourable review of the film, that focuses upon the camerawork as the outstanding feature.[full record]
newspaper - Shadow Shows The Bulletin. 04-10-1933. p.18 |
Author Unknown
A review of the film The Squatter's Daughter which is fairly favourable, particularly in regards to Frank Hurley's photography.
Described as "It may not b...[full record]
book - The Squatter's Daughter . 00-00-1933 |
Author Unknown,
Charles Melaun
A novel inspired by the film The Squatter's Daughter.[full record]
picture - untitled . 00-00-1933 |
Author Unknown,
[full record]
picture - untitled . 00-00-1934 |
Claude Quist
[full record]
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