newspaper - Finney, of films, offers new deal at the cinema The Mercury (Hobart). 09-07-1992. p.6 |
An interview with Alan Finney, Managing Director of Village Roadshow Film Distributors and one of the powers in the Australian movie industry.
Talks about...[full record]
newspaper - Teenage romp fails to inspire The Sun. 06-03-1994. p.22 |
A short review on the film 'The Nostradamus Kid'. It contains a brief story plot and comment on the film being a disappointment.[full record]
newspaper - Sum of fighting prejudices The Sun. 14-08-1994. pp.20-21 |
Talks about how the producer got the film into production despite the resistance by the US market as well as other problems faced in production of the film.[full record]
newspaper - Baby it's in the can! Sunday Tasmanian. 26-11-1995 |
[full record]