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Natalie Bate |
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References ( click to view )
journal - Dimboola: The Film The Perambulator, Australian Performing Group Newsletter. pp.8-9 |
John Timlin
Outlines the key people, the various funding organisations (and amounts invested), and the shooting shcedule for Dimboola.[full record]
journal - Dimboola: the Film, is Coming The Perambulator, Australian Performing Group Newsletter. pp.8-9 |
John Duigan
States that the release print is finished and relays a story about the Colorfilm Laboratory organising a second 'intra office' screening.
It predicts the pr...[full record]
newspaper - Doomed Dimboola The Australian. 16-05-1979 |
Keith Lofthouse
Negative review. [full record]
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