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Elizabeth Jolley |
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newspaper - Film makers who want to reveal our strangeness The Republican. 01-08-1997. p.18 |
Chris Boyd
A review of 'The Well' that questions Australian films' tendency to parody our 'strangeness'. 'The Well' is rated slightly higher in this regard than 'The C...[full record]
web - Greg Roy King's Film Review : The Well . 00-00-1997 |
Greg King
A considered review that recognises the talent of Lang and her crew in bringing 'this moody and atmospheric psychological drama' to the screen.[full record]
newspaper - Jolley tale of an odd pair The Sydney Morning Herald. 31-07-1997. p.12 |
Sandra Hall
A review which considers the Jolley novel and its transferrance into a Lang film. The relationship between the characters is examined as is the landscape an...[full record]
journal - My First Feature in the Cannes Metro 117. pp.pp. 53-58 |
This is an edited transcript of one of the AFI Conversations on Film that involved the responses of director Samantha Lang, actress Pamela Rabe and Director ...[full record]
web - The iMAGAZINE : In Review: The Well . 01-07-1997 |
Jayne Margetts
A review combined with excerpts of an interview with Lang that examines the powerful images and themes at play within 'The Well'.[full record]
newspaper - Well Done The Weekend Australian. 21-06-1997. pp.34-37 |
Sue Williams
This is a valuable resource, through interviews it looks at representation and influence within 'The Well'. The film's subsequent response is garnered, incl...[full record]
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