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Aaron Jeffrey |
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References ( click to view )
newspaper - Arresting approach to crime drama The Australian. 06-06-1997. p.20 |
Sue Williams
This article introduces us to Gordon 'Davie.' An ex-cop who is renouned in Australia for his expertise and experience in ther police force. Davie worked as c...[full record]
chapter - The Oxford Companion to Australian Film : Religion . 00-00-1999. pp.404 - 406 |
Author Unknown,
Peter Malone
Provides overview of history of religous cinema in Australia[full record]
chapter - The Oxford Companion to Australian Film : The Interview . 00-00-1999. p.232 |
Author Unknown
This brief article highlights the fact that despite the popularity of 'police' genre shows on tv, The Interview received poor audience attention and was not ...[full record]
web - The Shrubbery : Movie Review - The Interview |
Jason Morrison
The article basically provides a synopsis of the film, presumably for foreign audiences.[full record]
newspaper - Vaguely arresting The Weekend Australian. 22-08-1998. pp.21-22 |
Evan Williams
Drawing a reference to Hitchcock's The Wrong Man, this article highlights the fact that both the police and the accused man, Eddie Fleming, are not as trust ...[full record]
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