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David Bongiorno |
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newspaper - Future's bright for Ellis with a film of his past The Entertainer. 14-08-1994. p.1 |
The article is about the film 'The Nostradamus Kid' directed by Bob Ellis. It contains the story plot and some comment on the successes of the film in the Au...[full record]
newspaper - Burton's directing debut after 32 years of filming Courier Mail. 27-07-1994. p.28 |
Short interview with Burton on ehy he decided to direct the Sum of Us.[full record]
newspaper - Bodymelt: more bit parts for your money The Sun. 07-04-1996 |
This newspaper article discusses the release of Body Melt on video, and names its long cast list of Aussie soap stars, used in an attempt to make it like an ...[full record]
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