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Tamara Jungwirth |
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Tamara Jungwirth graduated from Arts Management in 1995. She won the Arts 21 award for being in the top two graduates, with a prize of travel scholashoips, or carrer support.
She directed the Melbourne Queer Film and Video Festival in 1995, and until 1997 stayed in that position. She had a great deal to do with the expansion of the festival, and bringing it more into the public domain.
In 1998, Tamara left MQFVF to work on the upcoming IMAX cinema project, and now works for the Museum of Victoria.
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journal - Fifth Annual Melbourne Queer Film and Video Festival Melbourne Queer Film and Video Festival |
This is the program for the 1995 Melbourne Queer Film and Video Festival, which contians a listing of the festival program. [full record]
journal - Sixth Anuual Melbourne Queer Film and Video Festival Melbourne Queer Film and Video Festival |
This is the program for the 1996 Melbourne Queer Film and Video Festival, which contians a listing of the festival program including guest speakers such as J...[full record]
journal - Seventh Annual Melbourne Queer Film and Video Festival Melbourne Queer Film and Video Festival |
This is the program for the seventh annual Melbourne Queer Film and Video Festival, which contians a listing of the festival program including mini programs ...[full record]
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References ( click to view )
newspaper - 'Mainstreaming' queer product The Melbourne Times. p.12 |
Paul McCarthy
this article analyses the evolution of gay film making in relation to the Melbourne Queer Film and Video Festival. Interviewing Tamara Jungwirth, the 1997 fe...[full record]
newspaper - A world-class event The Age. 15-03-1996. p.A15 |
Greg Burchall,
Jim Schembri
The introduction to this article is about the illustrious career of teh 1996 Melbourne Queer Film and Video Festival Director Tanara Jungwirth, detailing the...[full record]
newspaper - Festival In the Pink Herald Sun 1st Edition. p.37 |
Michael Bodey
Interview with the 1997 Melbourne Queer Film and Video Festival director, Tamara Jungwirth. It focuses onn the festival's life so far and its future, and com...[full record]
journal - Fifth Annual Melbourne Queer Film and Video Festival Melbourne Queer Film and Video Festival |
This is the program for the 1995 Melbourne Queer Film and Video Festival, which contians a listing of the festival program. [full record]
newspaper - Queer and Now Beat Magazine. 12-03-1997. p.unavailabl |
Greg King
This article talks about the growth of the Melbourne Queer Film and VIdeo Festival, as wel as the cahnge in community attitude towards it (both the film comm...[full record]
newspaper - Queer on film Melbourne Star Observer. 17-03-1995. p.9 |
Madeleine Swain
This is an overview of the 1995 Melbourne Queer Film and VIdeo Festival, mainly boasting its growth, with more venues than ever before. It also suggests that...[full record]
journal - Seventh Annual Melbourne Queer Film and Video Festival Melbourne Queer Film and Video Festival |
This is the program for the seventh annual Melbourne Queer Film and Video Festival, which contians a listing of the festival program including mini programs ...[full record]
journal - Sixth Anuual Melbourne Queer Film and Video Festival Melbourne Queer Film and Video Festival |
This is the program for the 1996 Melbourne Queer Film and Video Festival, which contians a listing of the festival program including guest speakers such as J...[full record]
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