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Essie Coffey |
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journal - Backroads: From Identity to Interval Australian Cinema, Culture & Criticism V17. 00-00-2001 |
Stephen Muecke
Within this text 'Backroads: From identity to Interval', Stephen Muecke has clearly structured the information to give a logical and concise coverage of both...[full record]
journal - My Survival As An Aboriginal Film, Filmviews. p.15 |
Author Unknown
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chapter - Phillip Noyce: Backroads to Hollywood : Chapter 3: Backroads . 00-10-2004. pp.1-9 |
Ingo Petzke
This text comes from the third chapter in the biography 'Phillip Noyce: Backroads to Hollywood' by Ingo Petzke. It details the commentary of Noyce in an inte...[full record]
journal - Talking To Essie Coffey Filmnews 7 V9. pp.4-5, 10 |
Anne Bickford,
Jeune Pritchard,
[full record]
newspaper - True focus on Aboriginal film The Australian. 05-07-1996. pp.18-19 |
Sue Williams
Criticises the tendancy of television stations to schedule Indigenous programs during the National Aboriginal and Islanders Day of Commitee (NAIDOC)Week that...[full record]
book - Well I Heard It On The Radio And I Saw It On The Television An essay for the Australian Film Commission on the politics of filmmaking by and about Abor . 00-00-1993 |
Marcia Langton
In the first section of her essay, Langton discusses the differences between settled and remote, traditional and contemporary Aboriginal communities and how ...[full record]
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