Name | Journal of Popular Film and Television |
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journal - "Crocodile" Dundee, Apothesis of the Ocker Journal of Popular Film and Television 4 V14. pp.148-155 |
Neil Rattigan
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journal - 'Crocodile' Dundee: apotheosis of the ocker Journal of Popular Film and Television. pp.148-155 |
Examines the way that Crocodile Dundee redifines Australian cultural identity
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journal - Categories of song Journal of Popular Film and Television 1 V8. pp.15 - 25 |
Carl Schultz
Schultz highlights the elements unique to the Hollywood musicals and the categoriies for which song performances fit within. The article then uses two films...[full record]
journal - The aesthetics of form and convention in the Movie Musical Journal of Popular Film and Television 4 V3. pp.307 - 321 |
Timothy Scheurer
This article highlightsthe 'escapist' theory, the role of song and dance and the representation of reality in the narrative. Six formulas are acknowleged as...[full record]
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