Reference Type |
Title |
Cinemarecord 2005 |
Chapter/Web article title | |
Town |
Bentleigh |
State |
Country |
Australia |
Publication Date |
00-00-2005 |
Citation Date |
08-05-2012 |
Site URL | |
Page Number |
12 |
Comments |
Perhaps one of the most in depth forms of cinema history in this country, Cinemarecord published four to five issues a year concerning Australian cinemas as well as Australian and international film. Cinemarecord served as an attempt at preserving cinema history as well as encouraging communal Australian cinema based activities.
Cinemarecord is produced by CATHS, who state that their aim is " To record the history of cinemas and theaters, and to promote interest in theater heritage and architecture, and other related areas." This vision is realized through both their readily available archives as well as
Membership with CATHS will provide you with every issue of Cinemarecord as they are produced.
The Trocadero is mentioned in a couple of issues of Cinemarecord and is useful for cross checking facts from the CAARP database.
Synopsis |
The Cinemarecord is a printed journal that countains 4-5 issues per year and make several references to the Trocadero in multiple issues. |
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