Reference Type |
Title |
Maribyrong City Council Tour Guide |
Town |
Footscray |
State |
Country |
Australia |
Publication Date |
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Comments |
Maribyrnong City Council provides 80 different services to over 72,000 residents and 5,000 businesses. Council employs approximately 895 staff (full and part-time) and is responsible for maintaining over $380 million of infrastructure, including facilities, roads and footpaths.
The Maribrynong council services over 72,000 residents and 5000 businesses. It is responsible for maintaining over $380 million of infrastructure and encompass several libraries, recreation centers and of course theTrocadero in Footscray.
The Maribrynong council walking trail guide is the first in a series of walks around the city of Maribrynong and contains tourism information pertaining to the Trocadero. The tourism brochure informs city visitors on theTrocaderos gang related background, which led to several issues of violence in the area of the Trocadero and even a shooting.
As well as the Trocadero the guide brochure also discusses other Footscray icons such as: Royal Hotel, Footscray Mill, Nicholson Street, The Grand Theater and the Footscray Market.
The information in the brochure has a focus on the tourism side of the information available on the Trocadero, this results in a brief summary of gang events while completely sidestepping any information regarding screenings or interesting facts about the staff of the Trocadero.
Synopsis |
The Maribrynong city council walking tour guide of Footscray. The first in a series of walking tour guides in the city of Maribrynong. |
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