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AFI research collection
Reference Type book
Title Sites of Difference
Author(s)Karen Jennings
Town South Melbourne
State VIC
Country Australia
Publication Date 00-00-1993
Citation Date
Comments “If we only look at that which makes use feel safe, that which tells us that we are what we would like to imagine ourselves to be, we will become naked emperors and empresses.” (10)

“Such distinctions which deny the viability of a modern distinctive Aboriginal society, are manifest in white Australian literature and cinema which virtually ignore urban Aboriginal life in their preoccupation with the traditional and the exotic.” (13) As said before, directors do not like film Aboriginals in an urban environment because they feel that will garner no interest from the audience.

“Moffatt’s film acknowledges both historical change and continuity, bringing the past into the present, and bringing the present into consciousness.” (18)

“Minorities of most types, whether racial, social or political, have rarely received more than peripheral attention from the commercial mainstream of Australian cinema, which has always been the domain of the white urban middle class.” (19)


Synopsis Jenning’s piece discusses many different aspects of Aboriginals in the cinema. Jennings focuses on a bunch of different films which are about Aboriginal women. Jennings describes how directors don’t portray Aboriginals correctly. Many times they add irrelevant plot twists, or they don’t show Aboriginals in urban environments. (E.J.H)
tags: Aboriginal Life  deeper meaning  representation stereotyping  
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