Reference Type |
Title |
IMDb Three Daring Daughter (1948) |
Chapter/Web article title |
Three Daring Daughters (1948) |
State |
Unknown |
Country |
United States of America |
Publication Date |
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Comments |
Quite simply IMBd is a matter of fact list of cast and crew that participated in the making of Three Daring Daughters. It is because of this that I would suggest that this article be used for nothing more than factual information rather than emotional appeal. While some may be able to use the facts to garner some sort of argument most would probably use this site only to gain names and dates associated with this film. While I myself did not sense a bias the synopsis was written by a consumer rather than a credible professional and thus it may be in the viewerâs best interest to watch the film for themselves to gain a true understanding of this work. Beyond that there isnât much to disagree with in terms of the validity of this article and I would recommend it to all that hope to obtain basic information about Three Daring Daughters. If one wishes to take the film deeper by utilizing it to reflect that eras social climate, or do anything of that nature, then I would highly recommend that they actually view the film to make their own inferences. That all being said this web page could easily be used to lead its viewer to other pools of information as the list of dates and names that it offers is incredibly useful. (Catie Davis) |
Synopsis |
This article offers concise insight into the basic groundwork of any old or modern film. Very little is offered beyond the synopsis, cast list, and crew. (Catie Davis) |
tags: 1940's Ashburton Civic F.P. Selleck IMDb Musical Old Film
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