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AFI research collection
Reference Type newspaper
Title The end for the Trak?
Author(s)Denis Brown
State VIC
Country Australia
Publication Date 00-00-1995
Citation Date
Comments An article from a newspaper about Trak Cinema
Synopsis This newspaper article alludes to a possible closure for Trak Cinema as Village Roadshow at that time had applied for a permit to increase the number of screens and seats at the Jam Factory multiplex.

Brown calls upon then assistant manager Craig Cahill to describe the detrimental effects that the opening of the Jam Factory Multiplex had on Trak Cinema in which it makes apparent that Trak were forced to ‘specialise in something completely different’ to compete. It went the complete opposite to the Jam Factory showing ‘upmarket art-house product’ to the commercial films that were showing at the multiplex.

There is a large image of The Jam Factory Multiplex accompanying the article.

It a very useful article, further marking apparent that Cinema Como who was also a part of the Palace Cinemas Pty Ltd like Trak had enjoyed success in dealing with ‘upmarket clientele’ and that the Longford Cinema theatre was also planning to expand it’s one screen cinema. It forces readers to consider why Trak didn't enjoy similar success or even consider expansion.

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