Reference Type |
Title |
Film Weekly |
State |
Country |
Australia |
Publication Date |
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Page Number |
P.1 |
Comments |
In the "Film Weekly" article their is reference to the reasons for the Fairfiled Cinema shutting down. "sites high entertainment tax and competition from television as reasons for closing the Fairfield Theatre ". I found this to be a completely reasonable argument as other cinemas at the time were also beginning to go into closure or being liquidated at the release of television.
A collection of articles released weekly from 1931-1974. The journal discussed cinema ventures locally, not limit to just venue, but culture, screenings, film critiques, industry news such as productions, awards and grants.
The journal discusses robustly the issues surrounding the closures of cinemas, and articles include the implications of televisions, political implications on cinema, distributions of controversial films and much more.
The reference offers a diverse and useful insight into cinemas and cultures around the state, as well as key identities affiliated with cinemas of the era. The listings of films, festivals and unique screenings offer perspective into what the audience demand was, and major events that indirectly and directly affected content- such as Olympics, importations of films, and a guide as to what the cost of attending the cinema was in comparison with incomes.
Cinema stars are occasionally interviewed as are directors, and the promotion of home grown films is a key issue frequently addressed.
The journals are a good starting point to understand the pre television need for cinema as a medium, and the emotional impact and importance as well as the diversity in venues, and their demographics.
(Elia Lom) |
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