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AFI research collection
Reference Type Bulletin journal
Title Horror that Doesn't Make It
Author(s)Sandra Hall
Volume 104
Page Number 55 - 56
Inadvertently, Hall perpetuates the incorrect - yet widely believed - rumour that the film was bought for American release by Roger Corman "..a connoisseur of films with a touch of the bizarre"(55). That statement, in itself, confirms why so many people thought that Corman was to distribute a film such as The Cars that Ate Paris! However, in actuality, he simply showed some interest at its screening in Cannes.
Primarily providing a script synopsis of the film, Hall states that in The Cars that Ate Paris, Weir has made an "...undisciplined and wildly inconsistent picture, full of provocative ideas only part realised and seriously flawed by a script unsure of its direction"(55)
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