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AFI research collection
Reference Type book
Title UNCANNY AUSTRALIA "Sacredness and Identity in a Postcolonial Nation"
Editor(s)Lee White
Town Carlton
Publication Date 00-00-1998
Comments This is a provocative text and your own position on co-existance and reconciliation in Australia is brought into question. In a sense it makes for a critical and sometimes uncomfortable response by the reader but this is why i think it is an important read.

It is presented much like an academic text but i don't think it needs to apologise for this. Rather than presenting the issues in a didactic or even biased fashion it attempts to tease out the "uncanny" position that Australia now finds itself in and is not overly optimistic of ever reaching a final point of reconciliation or even co-existance , in some ways it's approach verges on being pragmatic. It attempts to draw on a variety of sources in dealing with what it terms as an "uncanny" post colonial condition including "Aboriginal narratives, mining industry statements, media reportage, literature, political commentaries, feature films , documentaries and academic interpretations from a number of disciplines." They see these texts as being entangled in the current dialectic that the post colonial condition seems to be symptomatic of , that is, "the concept of "home" , changing into a place that is no longer familiar and less settled." A modern Australian condition where what is "ours" may also be "theirs" and vice versa: where difference and reconciliation co-exist uneasily."

This one of the most interesting notions to come out of this book , my thought.... "is it enough just to recognise and comment on a condition ,what do we do to attempt to heal part of the historical wounds and attempt to dislocate the disparity. This text goes some way in an attempt to do this but i get the feeling that more needs to be said in relation to possible solutions. Coupled with the realistic understanding that there will not be a single reconciliable solution.

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