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AFI research collection
Reference Type Herald-Sun newspaper
Title Bana bites back
Author(s)Claire Sutherland
Publication Date 03-08-2000
Page Number 41
Comments Like so many articles, it fleetingly touches on certain points which would be interesting to explore and focus upon but attempts to cover too much and as a result, does not cover anything in any depth.
Synopsis Sutherland describes Bana's predictament as 'damned if he does and damned if he doesn't' as Bana must be extremely careful about what he says in order to avoid criticism.

Thus column space is filled with Bana expressing his relectuance to speak on Read's behalf or of the time he spent with Read.

Bana is proud of the film's ability to provoke questioning and controversy as issues are being raised and discussed as a result of 'Chopper'. He claims (in so many words) they are the last in line to exploit the public's interest in Read and the media fuels 'Chopper-mania'.

Article also provides brief background of Bana's career - his take on the entertainment industry and his position within it.
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