Reference Type |
Title |
Screen Violence |
Chapter/Web article title |
Don't sue the messenger |
Author(s) | Oliver Stone |
Editor(s) | Karl French |
Publication Date |
00-00-1996 |
Page Number |
237-239 |
Synopsis |
Stone attacks influential lawyer and writer, John Grisham who has criticized Natural Born Killers and its affects on influential teenagers. Firstly, Stone berates the American attitude that scapegoats must be found and lawsuits filed. He defends 'Natural Born Killers' in the case of Darras and Edmondson stating the average teenager spends 15,000 hours a year watching television and most programs contain violence thus, this would have more affect on their actions than two hours of Natural Born Killers. Stone blames environmental factors including their upbringing, parents and peers and claims instead of blaming Hollywood directors, these youths should take responsibility. |
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